Looking for a good book to read to help you say 'Yes' to yourself?

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Looking for a good book to read? Feeling philosophical? Or perhaps you’re sensing a bold “no” building up inside you? 

Over summer I read two great books and although they’re very different I have found over time that they have many things in common too. The first is a beautifully written philosophical conversation between a teacher and his student. The second is a direct, in your face, this is how I see things outlook on life. The first was originally published in Japan and the second in the US. I imagine you’ve noticed them on bestsellers shelves in your local bookshop. 

There are many things I love about “The courage to be disliked” by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Foga and “The subtle art of not giving a f*ck” by Mark Manson. I love the contrast and contradiction of east and west style and manner that oppose each other as I reflect on the authors different approaches to getting their messages across. I love that both books challenge me to be brave and courageous in my interactions with others. I love that they dare me to put myself and my needs first. 

I find myself coming back to the lessons I took away from these books in many different situations both personally and in my conversations with clients too: 

Focus on what you know you have to do – that may come in the form of your responsibilities, your tasks or your choices. It sounds simple and yet it’s hard to avoid the distractions of what we think others will want us to do, how we think others should join or support us and the reassurance we seek in being aligned with others.

Accept that others will not always agree or support you – you will have to have the guts and commitment to get things done for yourself by yourself. Being social by nature we want to share our experiences and have someone to engage with and celebrate with along the way. The rub comes when we wait for others to be ready or tell ourselves that we need their expertise for success.

Work daily towards your purpose – small, well-directed steps every day make a difference. Question yourself daily – what have I done today to move towards my purpose? What will I do tomorrow? Manage your feelings of doubt and overwhelm by undertaking meaningful actions every day that will lead towards your goal. Every single meaningful action adds up.

And so, what are you doing today to move towards your purpose? 

Is there someone you will call? 

What have you been putting off? 

Who will you ask for advice or help?

Aggie Aitken/2insight/leadership coaching/Blog

This is my first blog in courageous leadership and I would love to hear your thoughts on books to read or topics to discuss.
Feel free to email me at aggie@2insight.com.au
