Are you a purposeful leader?

Aggie Aitken Purposeful Leader.jpg

A lot has been written about leading with purpose - about leaders who inspire and motivate others by sharing their ‘why’.

As leaders we know its good practise to spend time defining, explaining and refining the purpose behind our vision and plans.  

Something else I've noticed is that a leader clear in their purpose is disciplined about how they work daily to achieve it.  

These leaders never forget that what they do, what they say and what they focus on must always move them, their team and their organisation towards what they are striving to achieve.

 Are you a purposeful leader?  

Are you mindful in your approach to your work and leadership? 

Maybe there's an opportunity to be more purposeful today? 

Here's some things to think about. . .  

  • Are you taking time to prepare for meetings so that you go in knowing what you want to accomplish and what you want to say? 

  • Have to you found people to freely discuss issues with so that your views are well-rounded, and your plans are robust? 

  • Do you think about how to handle difficult conversations and difficult situations in advance so that you can stay on track and are prepared for compromise? 

  • Do you stop to think about the progress you are making or the impact you are having? 

  • Do you spend time nurturing your relationships with others, both within and outside your organisation? 

  • Do you model the behaviours you want to see in your team and organisation? 

John F. Kennedy is credited with saying that “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” 

So, ask yourself - where can I start today? 

What impact will being more purposeful have for you? 

What impact will you have on others?

Aggie Aitken/2insight/leadership coaching/Blog

I work daily with purposeful leaders. Contact me if you want to explore this topic or others more. .