Five sure-fire ways to boost your self-awareness


Are you looking for ways to increase your level of understanding and self-awareness of a situation or relationship?

Raising our self-awareness comes with many benefits. We learn more about ourselves and build stronger connections with others. We can be more effective and responsive when change happens and we are clearer in our decision making. We can also be more creative and innovative and, strengthen our sense of compassion and empathy.

Here are 5 simple strategies we can all use to boost our self-awareness:

1. Reflect on a situation or interaction with purpose. Be brave and ask yourself the questions you wish no-one would. Asking yourself purposeful questions helps to put structure into your reflection time and/or journaling.

2. Reframe the situation by putting a new or different perspective around it. Reframing can help us expand, or shift our thinking around an issue. Examining the issue from multiple perspectives enables us to notice what we want to take forward from each perspective.

3. Seek feedback from others. Being willing to ask open-ended questions, to seek clarification and, to invite others to share their point of view can result in us hearing something new.

4. Test your limits and assumptions. Being curious about why you may be predisposed to a particular course of action or outcome can undercover new or innovative options for consideration.

5. Be willing to reveal your true thoughts. Being willing to back yourself and self-disclose your ideas, even if they are not yet fully formed, invites others to provide input and can help you develop clarity in your own thinking too.

Raising your self-awareness starts with a desire to understand yourself and the impact you have on others better. It's a proven way to grow and develop as a leader.

Aggie Aitken/2insight/leadership coaching/Blog

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